safety first
At Sac Valley Youth Shooting Sports Association (SVYSSA), we believe and teach SAFETY FIRST! Our program participants are required to take several safety certification courses from accredited companies and organization such as the National Rifle Association and the USA High School Clay Target League, just to name a few. Before participants are allowed to shoot, they must take the course and pass the exams.
SAFE Certification is a 3 hour course in trap and skeet shooting safety that provides an in-depth, interactive and fun leaning environment for firearm safety and clay target shooting procedures.
Click on the SAFE image to view and/or take the certification course.
NRA Basic Shotgun Shooting Course is a 10 hour long classroom and range course where students learn NRA's rules for safe gun handling; shotgun parts and operation; shotgun shell components; shotgun shell malfunctions; shooting fundamentals, range rules; shooting at straight away and angled targets; cleaning; and continued opportunities for skill development.
Click on the NRA image to view and/or purchase the certification course.
The NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting is intended for all individuals regardless of previous shooting experience or NRA-affiliation and is available for delivery in two ways. One option is the traditional, instructor-led course where you will receive direct instruction from an NRA-certified instructor from beginning to end. The other option has two components: a self-study or “eLearning module” which is completed online in your own timeframe and a hands-on practical portion conducted in a classroom and shooting range with an Instructor.
Click on the NRA image to view and/or purchase the certification course.
This course is at least 14 hours long and includes classroom and range time learning to shoot rifles. Students learn NRA’s rules for safe gun handling; rifle parts and operation; ammunition; shooting fundamentals; range rules; shooting from the bench rest, prone, sitting, standing and kneeling positions; cleaning, and continued opportunities for skill development.
Click on the NRA image to view and/or purchase the certification course.

Range Safety Orientation
Every Clay Slayers participant is required to take a "Range Safety Orientation" course on their first day. Once completed, they will receive the certificate on the left. SVYSSA maintains participant files with each safety certification. The files are audited annually by the coaching staff, team coordinator and the board of directors.